Sunday, February 12, 2017

Big Al and Shrimpy

Big Al and Shrimpy

First Grade Teacher reads Big Al and Shrimpy
Poor Shrimpy! He may be the smartest fish in the sea, but he's also the smallest.

Who would want to be friends with such a teeny, tiny fish?

Big Al, that's who! Big Al remembers what it feels like to to be an outsider, and he and Shrimpy become best friends.
And when Big Al finds himself in danger, it's Shrimpy's smart thinking that saves the day — and wins Shrimpy the respect and affection of other fish.

In the wide blue sea
there was a very clever
fish named Shrimpy.
You could not find a smarter fish.

But Shrimpy was also very, very small.
Poor Shrimpy!

He wants to be like Big Al, loved and adored by all the other fish.

But who would want to be friends with such a teeny, tiny fish? Big Al, that's who! He's big and scary-looking, and he remembers what it was like to be friendless.

Still, all the other fish think Shrimpy's just a nuisance.

Then one day, when Big Al's life is in danger, Shrimpy is the only one brave enough and smart enough to save the day.

Suddenly, everyone can see that friends come in all shapes and sizes and Shrimpy turns out to be the best friend any fish could want!

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